Tag Archives: roadtrip

Road Trip

I’m back, well I got back last Tuesday.  I went to Texas/ Mexico to visit family for Thanksgiving week.  I went along in my brother’s car with my mom, sister and brother, We drove straight through for 24 hours to get there.  It was nuts, I haven’t done that in years and had forgotten how exhausting and leg cramping it is. But it’s worth it because you spend all that quality time with your family.  Nothing like being stuck in a car with your family to catch up on family happenings. I realized I took pictures but as not as much as I wanted to, a lot of them I took through Instagram stories.  If you don’t have Instagram, it’s just temporary photos that disappear after 24 hours.  I think I wasn’t clear with what photos I wanted to take and I wasn’t as ready with my camera.  The trip was a bit chaotic but I did get quite a few drawings and photo references for paintings I want to complete.  Not sure where to start but I’m thinking with a portrait of my grandma.  I have to finish a landscape painting I started back in March first.  I spent some time doing drawings and sketching people but not as much as I wanted to.  I also do pen drawings in my sketchbook but they don’t come out as clear when I take a photo of them but here is one of my pen drawings I did while in the car.



I think it’s a great sketch but the perspective got skewed, I elongated the legs too much.  Perspective is something I am thinking more of when I am drawing, especially with complex images.


I like to be weird with my photos, I like that dark face. Photos are a fun way to play with  environments which influences my paintings.


And here is me on the right with my siblings and sister-in-law in Mexico at Starbucks. I had to pay in Pesos, I hadn’t done that in a while.  One cup of tea is 40 pesos which is $3.

I didn’t get a pictures of my grandparents home but I hope to come back next year with a plein air easel and be able to paint their house.  That’s my goal.